
This is what my dog (Taffy) looks like. She's a cairn terrier and is seven years old. Obviously she is the cutest dog in the world and she has inspired me to research becoming a dog breeder when im older!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Speech Tournament!!!

Guess what happened on May 15?! ( -cough- read title -cough- ) You guessed it! i went to a speech tournament!!!There's only 4 in the entire school year, so we spend our time in speech class practicing our speeches (EAT. SLEEP. SPEECH.) Anyway, my friend Courtney and I did an interpritive (i think thats how you spell it) speech on The Boy Book by John C. Havens. It was REALLY funny and it said stuff like 'who would of thought that there was actually a secret book that told women everything they need to know about men.' But, theres these two girls that ALWAYS pair up, and there professional actress' and everything. So, they obviously ALWAYS win 1st. We were hoping for 2nd or 3rd but everyone was amazed when the good ppl got 2nd!!! Then they annouced US as 1st!!! It was amazing!!! Wooo! So, when we called my mom to tell her, we decided to play a trick.
First, we told her we didnt win... she started to say stuff like 'its okay' and 'i still think yours was the best' then we told her that some 'Brooke and Courtney' won. At first she was confused, then she totally didnt get it, finally she caught on and said, WAIT, THATS YOU!!! Wooo!!! We won first!!!
Well, i gotta go! Bye!