
This is what my dog (Taffy) looks like. She's a cairn terrier and is seven years old. Obviously she is the cutest dog in the world and she has inspired me to research becoming a dog breeder when im older!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Your Ugly"

Okay, so with that title your expecting either a mean story, or a crazy, exciting one. Well... I'm gonna let you define it. Today we had our ward picnic in the park. First, we ate, then went to watch little kids in the playground/jungle gym thingy. (it was me and my friend Jessi) Anyways, this cute little mystery little girl comes up to us. We get all silent and she just stares. You can almost taste the awkwardness in the air as we all just stare at each other. Then she turns to Jessi and loudly states,"Your UGLY!" Then walks away. We do the only normal thing, we burst up laughing! It was just hilarious cuz she looked so sweet a cute! Just like Happy Bunny! Don't judge a book by its cover!

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