
This is what my dog (Taffy) looks like. She's a cairn terrier and is seven years old. Obviously she is the cutest dog in the world and she has inspired me to research becoming a dog breeder when im older!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cute Puppies!

Okay, I know I'm switching logs, but this one gets sooo many more views, and I wanted the most people to enjoy this pic! They are sooo cute! I took this pic at my friend Mackenzie's house!
Btw: feel free to check out my new blog at: imlivinlovinlife.blogspot.com to see the info for this awesome service project in starting! Soooo excited!
Love you guys!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New blog!!!

I'm so excited because I recently just made a new blog!!! This one is a lot more mature, but still a lot of fun! Im posting my experiences still, but with the moral of the story at the end, like what I have learned. My goal for this new blog is that hopefully you can read it and avoid some of the problems I have overcome in your own life. :) here is the link:
Enjoy! And see you later!
With all my love,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speech tounament

On march 19, 2011 I went to a speech tournament. I entered in two categories (humorous and tv dual) and got 1st place in both! I did the dual with Brandon and we had a lot of fun! Speech 1st place trophiesSpeech class Tv dual partners! BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I'M AN AUNT!!!Jaxon is the cutest baby boy in the world! he has black hair and a cute dimple!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!!!

Isn't this cute! Well, its google's homepage! I thought it was awesome and decided to write a post on it! So anyway, this morning we all got up and served my dad breakfast in bed! For the presents we got him italian shoes and a golden tie (it was that or a pink tie!) He loved the presents, even though the shoes didnt fit him (we'll have to go exchange them) but he wore the tie to church!

So, to all you fathers (or future fathers) out there...


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Your Ugly"

Okay, so with that title your expecting either a mean story, or a crazy, exciting one. Well... I'm gonna let you define it. Today we had our ward picnic in the park. First, we ate, then went to watch little kids in the playground/jungle gym thingy. (it was me and my friend Jessi) Anyways, this cute little mystery little girl comes up to us. We get all silent and she just stares. You can almost taste the awkwardness in the air as we all just stare at each other. Then she turns to Jessi and loudly states,"Your UGLY!" Then walks away. We do the only normal thing, we burst up laughing! It was just hilarious cuz she looked so sweet a cute! Just like Happy Bunny! Don't judge a book by its cover!