
This is what my dog (Taffy) looks like. She's a cairn terrier and is seven years old. Obviously she is the cutest dog in the world and she has inspired me to research becoming a dog breeder when im older!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Report Card

Okay, so we haven't gotten our report cards yet, but i know whats on them. It was all...
Haha just kidding! I was going for straight A's this semester, and, amazingly enough I did! Woohoo! 
(By the way I just recently figured out how to get pics on this as you can probably tell)

Aunt Brooke!

 This may be old news but i'm gonna be an AUNT!!! My brother, Chase and sis-in-law, Bridget are going to have a baby on October ?, 2010. I'm SUPER excited! Also, my dad has been busy trying to think of a cool grandpa name. So far he's going with: G-DADDY. Also, my mom has been busy during sacrament meetings (in our church) playing with all the little babies, making faces and making them smile and laugh! (also she has picked the name GRAMMIE. I'm WAY excited! oh gtg bye!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby Golden Stub Nose Monkey! Aw!!!

Isn't this soo cute!?! This is my friend Mackenzie's one of her favorite aniamals.
And right now Mackenzie and I are having a sleepover and she showed it to me. So far we've made cookies ...(and we ate most the dough) ...
anyways oh man! sorry our 'curfew' is midnight and it's 12:01! Gotta go! bye! :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sprained Ankle

    On Wed. I sprained my ankle(which is tearing ligaments basically) This is how it happened: We're playing kickball in P.E. and i see the ball. i run for it, and while running i caught it,and spun around-trying to throw it to first-. The next thing i know I'm on the ground. i glanced over at my teacher-Mrs. Garcia- and saw her totally into whatever was on her iphone. So i tried to stand but couldn't put any pressure on it without it buckling under me, so i just sat down and played catcher for the rest of the period (which was a big mistake because i should've just gone and put ice on it)  So now i have to use crutches to let it heal. (thats why i put the picture obviously) oh well i have to type a term paper thingy for history now so

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


CAO Speech
      Yesterday  i did my 'How to Play Soccer' speech at City Hall for CAO. It was really fun! I've done other, smaller rounds too. Like, for the school level i got first place and was able to move on to the cty level. Once there, i did my speech three times for different judges. A few days later i got the results that i was in the top six who had made it on! I was REALLY excited and practiced like crazy!!! So, the big day was yesterday and... i got 3rd place out of over 600 PEOPLE that tried out!Awesomeness! Anyways im going to do the same speech for a different compotition( One for school) and see how that goes. Finally, I think I was the most excited because I did everything myself, (I wrote the speech, and made the board)
oh well i have to go bye!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hey! Welcome to my blog! I just recently started this and i will try to maintain it. :)