
This is what my dog (Taffy) looks like. She's a cairn terrier and is seven years old. Obviously she is the cutest dog in the world and she has inspired me to research becoming a dog breeder when im older!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


CAO Speech
      Yesterday  i did my 'How to Play Soccer' speech at City Hall for CAO. It was really fun! I've done other, smaller rounds too. Like, for the school level i got first place and was able to move on to the cty level. Once there, i did my speech three times for different judges. A few days later i got the results that i was in the top six who had made it on! I was REALLY excited and practiced like crazy!!! So, the big day was yesterday and... i got 3rd place out of over 600 PEOPLE that tried out!Awesomeness! Anyways im going to do the same speech for a different compotition( One for school) and see how that goes. Finally, I think I was the most excited because I did everything myself, (I wrote the speech, and made the board)
oh well i have to go bye!

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